The Best Ghost Picture Ever
I recomend you to download the image or to maximize the image somehow (you can do it just by clicking on the image) and to follow the instructions below.
There is ghost in the house. A girl in this house died and her friends observed something strange in the house, so the have mounted a camera in the room. First nothing happend, but after that har ghost just appeared. Stick your face as close to the monitor as you can and stare to the image. You will be able to see the ghost.
P.S.: Don't whach this picture if you are a cardiac or have some heart problems! Watch this picture on your own responsability!
There is ghost in the house. A girl in this house died and her friends observed something strange in the house, so the have mounted a camera in the room. First nothing happend, but after that har ghost just appeared. Stick your face as close to the monitor as you can and stare to the image. You will be able to see the ghost.
P.S.: Don't whach this picture if you are a cardiac or have some heart problems! Watch this picture on your own responsability!

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