Sunday, November 05, 2006

Microsoft Keyboard

This the Microsoft keyboard, it is quite funny. It has only the Alt, Ctrl and Delete button for restarting a PC. Maybe this keyboard was made just after the Windows 98 launch event when they had a blue screen on launch day. At least the user will have the option to restart the Operating System.

Bread Computer

This a bread computer. This is a work of a really great baker. He made a computer entirely from bread. Even the mouse and the keyboard is from bread. It can be seen that even the CD/DVD drive is ejected as a toast bread from the computer. Really great work!

The Ostrich Man

This is the ostrich man. Poor guy, what can he do for money. I think is really hard to do this, to put your head in the ground. Hopefully he won't do his act on concrete too. You know, the peak of insensibility is scaring an ostrich on concrete.


This is a really interresting keyboard, the Windows button is changed, looks like it is a Linux lover's keyboard.

Cat Connection

This is how it's called cat connection. Big love between cats, this is why cats ca be so loving. They have love from everyone of us.

"You Mean Those Boobs Are for ME!!!"

Look at this kid, he is so funny, looks like he sees something interesting. He looks like he is thinking something like "You mean those boobs are for ME!!!"

My Happy Meal

This is really a Happy Meal from McDonald's, at least the McDonald's clown is happy.

To: All Employees, From: Management, Subject: Special High Intensity Training

Please read this Special High Intensity Training mail carefully, you will laugh a lot. You can click on the image to zoom it, it can be read better.

Liquid Panty Remover

Very funny banner, which actually exists, many alcohols have the ability to remove panties, this way we can call them liquid panty removers.

Why Hedgehogs Are Becoming Extinct...

This is why hedgehogs become extinct. They tend to confuse any hairy or spiky object with their partners. Brushes are always confused with hedgehogs like in the image below.

Dog Mating

Dog mating can be with a little more testosterone and with more energy. Please don't tie your male dog to a tree, because he can see a female dog and he can rip the tree from the ground and can also wreck you fence too.

Hedgehog Mating

The hedgehog mating it is very funny. Poor male hedgehog, please don't forget the medical kit.

The Talk Show

Look at this talk show, it is very funny. Please click on the picture or download it, becuse it is an animated *.gif image. Santa is cheating on Mrs. Claus.